Rabu, 27 Februari 2019

Recipes and how to make Sroto Sokaraja

Sroto Sokaraja

Recipe Soto or in the future I call a recipe Sroto is a traditional dish of Sokaraja region. Sokaraja is actually only a small town in Central Java, precisely approximately 8 km to the east of Purwokerto. But even though only the town's small town has a popular culinary icon. Arguably the delicacy of Soto soup commonly known as Sroto has been famous until the entire region of Indonesia.

Sroto can actually be served either with chicken or beef meat. The difference is on his curse. For chicken Sroto, the gravy used is a chicken broth with little turmeric content so that the color is yellowish clear. But I was a bit of a sneak peek not because of the famous Sroto gravy in the archipelago. The Sroto of the recipe of the other Soto area is ketupat and chili sauce.

We are grateful that we live in the modern world. Traditional Indonesian recipes that we used to be unimaginable can cook it nowadays very easy to find. Therefore I am proud to post a recipe Sroto that is said to be very loved by many people. Let us prepress

Sroto is very suitable to be eaten during cold air. The content content is also very complete. Moreover, the savory chili sauce. Steady.

  • 1 chicken tail, divided into four pieces
  • 3000 Mili liters of mineral water
  • 2 Salam leaves
  • 4 centi meter Lengkuas, which has been
  • 4 tsp fine salt
  • 6 tbsp vegetable oil later used when sautling
  • 2 stems of scallion, which has been roughly sliced
  • Vegetable oil for frying

  • 6 candlenut grains, which have been roasted
  • 4 cloves garlic
  • 1 teaspoon pepper granules
  • 2 centi meters fresh ginger
  • 2 teaspoons fine salt

  • 200 gram sprouts, which are already clean
  • 100 grams of dried suun, soaked first until tender. Leave the water down and cut into pieces
  • 4 boiled chicken eggs, remove cut-cut shell
  • 100 grams of fried peanuts
  • 100 gram Potato chips
  • 4 tablespoons fried shallots
  • 2 tablespoons of celery that has been finely chopped
  • 2 lime juice

  • 200 Mili liter ripe water
  • 20 Red cayenne pepper, boiled first and then mashed
  • 100 grams of fried peanuts, which have been mashed
  • 4 tbsp sweet soy sauce

  1. Chicken with seasoning salt, greetings and galangal...
  2. Pick up the chicken, let the water down. Split the heat by approximately two liters
  3. All spices are stir-fried together with green onions until fragrant
  4. Add to the broth, cook using small flames until boiling. Lift.
  5. Set the fill material on the bowl. Add the chicken Uwiran.
  6. Pour hot broth. Serve with complementary and peanut sauce

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