Rabu, 13 Maret 2019

Typical meat Rawon Surabaya

Typical meat Rawon Surabaya

  • 350 grams of meat meat
  • 2,000 ml of water
  • 1/2 teaspoon ground pepper
  • 2 sticks of lemongrass take the white, memarkan
  • 1 1/4 tablespoon of salt
  • 1 teaspoon of tamarind water
  • 1 teaspoon granulated sugar
  • 10 pieces of orange leaf discarded bones
  • 2 cm galangal, crushed
  • 2 scallions cut into 1 cm
  • 3 tablespoons of oil for sauteing

Softened seasoning:
  • 4 fruit, brewed
  • 10 red onions
  • 4 candlenuts, roasted
  • 1 cm turmeric, burned
  • 4 cloves garlic

  • 100 ml plow sauce
  • 100 grams of bean sprouts (to taste)
  • 50 grams of shrimp crackers
  • 1 salted egg

  1. Preparations for Making Rawon Typical Meat of East Java:
  2. The first step you will be able to take to start this step is to first listen to some of the preparation steps below. This is because the preparation step contains several steps to process the ingredients in the recipe. When you pay close attention to this step, it will be easier for you to process this presentation.
  3. The first ingredient that needs to be processed is meat. Prepare a knife in advance together with a placemat. Then please cut the meat evenly enough. Put it in a container and set aside temporarily before you mix it with other ingredients.
  4. When finished, make sure you smooth the spices that need to be smoothed evenly. Use ulekan to smooth the seasoning evenly. Then put it in a container and set aside temporarily before you mix this dish with other ingredients.
  5. If all the ingredients have been prepared evenly then the next step you will be ready to mix the spices and make this dish. To find out what the steps are like, then consider below.

How to Make Rawon Typical Meat of East Java:
  1. To make this dish you will be able to do it by preparing a pan. Then put the water into it and add the meat. Then boil this dish until cooked and evenly distributed.
  2. When finished, turn off the stove and strain the broth from the meat stew to approximately 1.5 liters evenly. For the remaining stock that has been separated then boil it back in the pan evenly.
  3. When it boils evenly, set aside. Then you will be able to saute the seasoning in the pan. The trick is to prepare a frying pan and heat a little cooking oil in it and wait until the heat is evenly distributed.
  4. Just put the spices together with orange leaves and lemongrass. Stir it well and stir-fry until it smells good and delicious fragrance. Then add the leeks into it and stir all the dishes back evenly.
  5. Enter the cooked spices stir into the meat stew that you set aside. Turn the heat back on the stove and stir thoroughly all the presentations.
  6. Season this rawon dish using salt, pepper and sugar. Then stir it evenly so that the seasoning you put in dissolves evenly.

after cooking please turn off the stove and serve rawon in a bowl. Henceforth you will also be able to enjoy this special East Java rawon dish along with the complement that you have prepared beforehand.

~Greetings kitchen~

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