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Rabu, 13 Maret 2019

Typical meat Rawon Surabaya

Typical meat Rawon Surabaya INGREDIENTS 350 grams of meat meat 2,000 ml of water 1/2 teaspoon ground pepper 2 sticks of lemongrass take the white, memarkan 1 1/4 tablespoon of salt 1 teaspoon of tamarind water 1 teaspoon granulated sugar 10 pieces of orange leaf discarded bones 2 cm galangal, crushed 2 scallions cut into 1 cm 3 tablespoons of oil for sauteing Softened...

Rabu, 27 Februari 2019

Recipes and how to make Sroto Sokaraja

Sroto Sokaraja Recipe Soto or in the future I call a recipe Sroto is a traditional dish of Sokaraja region. Sokaraja is actually only a small town in Central Java, precisely approximately 8 km to the east of Purwokerto. But even though only the town's small town has a popular culinary icon. Arguably the delicacy of Soto soup commonly known as Sroto has been famous until...

Selasa, 05 Februari 2019

How To Cooking Coto Makassar

Coto Makassar Indonesia has a variety of special dishes and has a variety of flavors that make the tongue of culinary lovers satisfied with the taste. All Indonesian culinary dishes have their own distinctive taste from Sabang to Merauke, like Coto Makassar. Coto Makassar is a typical Makassar dish that is so delicious, with the delicious gravy from the coto, and...

Minggu, 03 Februari 2019


SATE LILIT TYPICAL OF BALI ISLAND THE INGREDIENTS 3 shallots, peeled and sliced (1/2 cups) 3 cloves garlic, peeled and sliced 2 Thai chili or Serrano, sliced 2 teaspoons chopped fresh ginger 1/2 teaspoons turmeric powder 5 Macadamia Nuts 2 teaspoons coriander 1/2 teaspoons black pepper 1 teaspoon shrimp paste or anchovy pasta or 1 tablespoon of Asian fish sauce 1/2 teaspoons...