Minggu, 12 Januari 2020

Wedhang Uwuh Typical Yogyakarta

Wedhang Uwuh
This typical Yogyakarta drink is a traditional drink that is later increasingly popular and sought by many people. Moreover, not a few of these beverage products are made instant and many are sold online on the internet.

But the packaging of the Wedang is somewhat different from other beverage packaging products. Besides not made powder, this herb product is still in the form of original herbs so impressed like garbage.

It is also popular with the meaning of the tea uwuh because of its similar way that it is brewed with hot water. But this is not a regular drink, because it is made from various types of herbs and the efficacy of Wedang uwuh for health has been widely tested.

The Aroma of the blends of Wedang uwuh is especially typical before brewed. Once brewed the drink will be reddish-coloured that comes from the wood of its cup. It tastes also sweet and spicy typical herbs.

Composition of Wedang Uwuh made from various herbs that efficacious medicinal. Therefore consuming this drink will provide many benefits to the fitness and health of the body.

Uwuh is suitable for drinking at night or in cold temperatures, because it can make our bodies warm.

  • 300 gram Ginger
  • 6 pieces of cloves
  • 6 pieces of cinnamon
  • 1 Grain Nutmeg
  • 4 Rods Lemongrass
  • 6 orange leaves
  • 3 pandan leaves
  • 10 grams of cup timber
  • 150 gram sugar
  • Water to taste

How to make it: 
  1. Peel the ginger, then slice thinly.
  2. Add ginger, cinnamon, clove, nutmeg, lemongrass, orange leaf, and pandan leaves into a pan. Then, pour the water and boil for 20 minutes.
  3. Add sugar and secang leaves, boiled back.
  4. When it is boiling, pour into the glass with a filtered.
  5. Serve.

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