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Minggu, 12 Januari 2020

Wedhang Uwuh Typical Yogyakarta

Wedhang Uwuh This typical Yogyakarta drink is a traditional drink that is later increasingly popular and sought by many people. Moreover, not a few of these beverage products are made instant and many are sold online on the internet. But the packaging of the Wedang is somewhat different from other beverage packaging products. Besides not made powder, this herb...

Jumat, 03 Januari 2020

Recipe Sandwich Tuna Italian-Style

Sandwich Tuna Who never hears a sandwich? Yes, this sandwich is often used as a breakfast for certain people. You must have eaten one of these foods at home or available in some restaurants or ready-to-eat places. Sandwiches are foods that usually consist of vegetables, cheeses or sliced meats, put on or in between slices of bread, or rather any food where two or...